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The Group

The group consists of PhD, undergraduate and high school research students.


Anvesh Sai Bezawada

PhD student since fall 2022.


Cody Amann

B.S. UMSL 2024. Undergraduate research student 2023/2024. Since fall 2024 graduate research student.


Lucas Barton

Undergraduate research student since fall 2024.


Former Coworkers


Graduate research student - MS University of Missouri - St. Louis spring 2024.


Chloe Wilke

Graduate research student - MS University of Missouri - St. Louis fall 2023.


Neira Usto

Graduate research student - MS in Chemistry, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2023


Deva Talasila

PhD in Chemistry, University of Missouri- St. Louis, 2022.
M.S. in Chemistry, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2018.


Jessica Doshi

Undergraduate research student spring 2020 to fall 2021.


Mchael Barnes-Flaspoler, MS

MS in Chemistry 2021, UMSL.

B.S. in Chemistry 2019, UMSL


Kellsie Jurkowski, MS

MS in Chemistry Fall 2020.
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Missouri - St. Louis, Spring 2018.


Andria Widaman

M.S. in Chemistry, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2010.
B.S. in Chemistry Knox College, 2005.


Evan Stephenson

Undergraduate Research Student, B.S. in Chemistry, UMSL 2020.


Jasmine Richardson

High School Research Student Summer 2019


Jude Sorkin

High School Research Student Summer 2019


Matthew Stark, PhD

PhD student 2014-2018.

Matt Stark

B.S. in Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

M.S. in Chemistry, Saint Louis University.

Matthew Queensen

MS in chemistry fall 2016.

Matt Queensen

B.S. in Chemistry, UMSL, 2013.

Negar Jourabchian

Negar Jourabchian

M.S. in Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Now at CannaSafe, Los Angeles.

Jordan Rabus, PhD

Undergraduate research student 2015/2016.

Jordan Rabus

BS in chemistry at UMSL, 2016.

PhD in Chemistry at Ohio University, 2022.

Benjamin Standley

Undergraduate research student 2015.

Benjamin Standley

Undergraduate student at UMSL, chemistry major.

Kevin Baum

Undergraduate research student 2014.

Kevin Baum

Undergraduate student at UMSL, chemistry major.

Christopher Hood

Undergraduate research student 2013/2014.

Christian Hood

Undergraduate student at UMSL, chemistry major.

Matthew Lenze, PhD

Ph.D student 2008-2013.


B.S. in Chemistry, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2008.

M.S. in Chemistry, 2010, University of Missouri-St. Louis.

PhD in Chemistry, 2013, University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Now at US Polymers-Accurez, LLC

Pushkar Shejwalkar, PhD

Ph.D student 2008-2013. e-mail

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M.S. in Chemistry, Ramnarain Ruia College, Matunga, India, 2005.

M.S. in Chemistry, 2010, University of Missouri-St. Louis.

PhD in Chemistry, 2013, University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Postdoctoral researcher at Hokkaido University, Catalysis Research Center. 2013-2015.

Now postdoctoral researcher at at Tokyo University of Technology.

I received my Bachelor's Degree from Ramnarain Ruia College, Matunga, India. I received my Master's degree from the same institution in 2005 when I was awarded a GOLD Medal for academic excellence. I am interested in Synthetic Organometallic Chemistry and joined the group in Oct 2008.

Erin Martin

Undergraduate research student 2011/2012.

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B.S. in chemistry, UMSL, 2013.

PhD 2018, Indiana University Bloomington.

Bryan Love

High school research student Summer/Fall 2012.

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High school student at Wentzville Holt High School.

Michael van Dillen

High school research student Summer 2012.

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High school student at De Smet High School.

Bryan Schoolman

Undergraduate research student in spring 2012.

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Undergraduate student at UMSL.

Corey Hastings

Laboratory Volunteer fall 2011 - spring 2012.

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Biochemistry and Biotechnology Masters student at UMSL.

Sergey Sedinkin, Ph.D

Ph.D. in Chemistry, 2011, University of Missouri - St. Louis.
M.S. in Chemistry, 2009, University of Missouri-St. Louis.
M.S. in Chemistry, 2006, Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Mai Nguyen

High school student, performed summer research in 2011 in our group within the Project SEED.


Kaylyn Bauer

High school student at Wentzville Holt High School, performed summer research in 2011 within the STARS program in our group.


Maria Martinez

Undergraduate Student at UMSL.


Matthew Brinker

Undergraduate student at UMSL.


Nichole Curvey

Graduate student 2009-2010.
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2009.


Stephen Costin, Ph.D

Postdoctoral researcher at Louisiana State University - Health Sciences Center 2011-2013.

Now teacher at the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts in Natchitoches, LA.

PhD in Chemistry, UMSL, 2010.

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B.S. in Chemistry, University of Wyoming, 2006.

I grew up in St. Louis, moved to Wyoming in 1996 and returned to obtain my PhD at the University of Missouri - St. Louis.
I did undergraduate research at the University of Wyoming for one year with Dr. Robert Corcoran. My research interests are organic and organometallic synthesis.

Sabine Grupe

German exchange student in summer 2010. PhD student at the University of Cologne

I graduated with a Diploma (equivalent of a Thesis Master degree) from the University of Cologne (03/2005-09/2009).

I'm currently working on my dissertation in the group of Dr. Axel Jacobi von Wangelin in the Department of Chemistry after I finished my Diploma Thesis in December 2009.

Diploma Thesis (03/2009-9/2009) - "Optimized reaction conditions for iron catalyzed cross couplings"
PhD Thesis (since 11/2009) -"Iron catalyzed cross coupling reactions"

I received a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service) fellowship, which has enabled me to spend a research period of four months at the University of Missouri with Prof. E. Bauer (05-09/2010).

Nandini Rajashanmugam

Undergraduate student at the University of Missouri - St. Louis, here presenting her poster at the 2010 ACS undergraduate research symposium at the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.


Tia Harper

Student at Wentzville Holt High School. Tia performed in 2010 summer research with us within the STARS program.


Samantha Montoia

Undergraduate student at Westminster College, performed summer research in 2010 in our group.


Ryan McDonough

Intern. Graduated from UMSL in 2010.


And more former coworkers

Tim Meier (undergraduate Student)
Trang Truon (undergraduate student)
Tihana Thomas (undergraduate student)
Chao Lin (graduate student)
Chidume Aningo (undergraduate student)
Michael Lantzy (undergraduate student)
Nathan Birhanu (undergraduate student)
Alemu Azanaw (undergraduate student)
Christian Paeng (undergraduate student)


You are looking for a summer internship or PhD program?
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The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Missouri - St. Louis accepts applications for our Ph.D. program all year long. You also might contact me if you are looking for a position as an undergraduate researcher. Please send me an email.

Latest news

December 2024:
Our latest article on ferrocenophanium catalysis can be downloaded here.

Here are some nice pictures!